  • Services
  • Services By Type
  • Inspection

Services By Type


FITI Institution is providing appearance inspection service on both domestic and foreign raw materials, fashion clothing and other manufactured goods for our major partners in countries like PRC, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and more and the inspection service provided by our experts will surely satisfy customers’ needs for stable outlook in quality management, contributing improving credibility of products.

Appearance inspection service may be provided in various ways such as sampling, lot inspection, stock inspection and field inspection service upon customers’ request. FITI is also providing a professional and integrated service on establishment and development of inspection system with training session and inspection manuals in order to achieve improvement in the quality of the products.
Inspection service category by industries

Textile and Fashion

Consumption Goods


Expert institution inspection by Public Procurement Service
FITI Institution is designated as a testing institution for Public Procurement Service and has been carrying on expert tests on the procured goods. FITI actively cooperates with PPS by deploying our inspectors to various regions for serices in order to complete inspection on time and to ensure the quality of procured goods.

▶ Managing personnel for Inspection by Public Procurement Service : Public Business Team of Textile Living Business HQ