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  • Textile and Fashion
  • Textiles for Infants

Services By Industry

Textiles for Infants

Textiles for infants are defined as clothing and textile products designed for infants with age of 36 months and under; and these products are highly vulnerable to various hazardous materials and sharp objects. Since safety and quality certification for these products are significant, North America, Europe, and Asia have set various regulations. There are certifications such as KC in Korea, CPSC in U.S., and GB 18401 in China (National Textile Product Base Safety Manual). FITI is capable of performing these tests and certifications.
(Textiles for infants are defined as clothing and textile products designed for the infants aged less than 36 months. FITI Testing & Research Institute is doing our best to make both customers and manufacturers satisfied through certifying if the products meet with necessary requirements when public interests on safety and quality are growing and the regulations to secure the requirements are becoming stricter both domestically and internationally.)